Friday, February 25, 2011


. . .to the J. Sore Photography blog! My name is Jessica Sorensen and I am a photographer in Casper, WY. I have been blessed to be able to do something I love and make a living doing it.
The first time I remember being fascinated by photography was as a young girl playing with my grandmothers polaroid camera, the fact that I could freeze a moment in time was such a thrill. My cousin and I would dress up and put on full makeup (drag queen style) and pose in the backyard. It really wasn't until high school when my mother bought me a Canon 35mm that I really began experimenting and falling in love all over again. I studied photography in college and loved everything about the dark room, I loved the whole process. In 2005 I bought my first digital camera and haven't looked back since. I did professional jobs (and by that I mean people actually paid me) here and there starting in 2003. After the birth of my son in 2007 I quit my job and I started doing photography full time.
My love for photography has never ceased, daily I am inspired and want to try or learn something new. I want to always feel that drive behind my work, and I hope you enjoy the outcome. This blog will be a place where I will post previews of sessions and blog about the experience with maybe misc. bits and pieces.
I am horrible about updating these things, so I hope that people are excited about visiting my blog so it keeps me on track :) Enjoy!!

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